Sunday, 19 January 2014

Audience Profile - Tommy Cobley

Name: Tommy Cobley
Age: 16
Background: Born in Leicester, lives with his mum, step dad and sister in Cosby except weekends where he stays in Dunton with his dad, step mum and little brother.  When they moved to Dunton he befriended his neighbour Jack Hall and they decided to form a band together.
Occupation: Makes tea for his dad's company Cobley Transport

Interests: Loves a limited variety of music including 'Mod' and 'Northern Soul' he only wants to listen to the same 4 bands on his ipod, these bands are Arctic Monkeys, Oasis, The Beatles, and Miles Kane.  Also he only likes to talk about his band, how they could improve and whether they will practice this week or not.  His favorite brand of clothing is Pretty Green mainly because it is Liam Gallagher's clothing line and he is Tommy's iconic figure.
Dislikes: Cobley hates music genre's such a punk, heavy metal and rap, if you like any of these he will have no interest in being your friend.

Ambitions: Tommy would love to be a football hooligan when he has finished his carpentry course at Leicester College, however he has a plan B.  If his football hooligan dreams don't come true he will just settle for being in a band.

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